Monday, February 15, 2021

Skinnier Veal Saltimbocca

Skinnier Veal Saltimbocca

One of my husband's favorite food is veal saltimbocca. This version eliminates the oil and reduces the calories but replacing the fontina or fresh mozzarella with reduced fat shredded mozzarella cheese. 

Skinnier Veal Saltimbocca over Roasted Asparagus

Makes 4 servings                                                7 WW blue points / serving

1 lb. veal leg slices

4 thin slices of lean prosciutto

4 large sage leaves

4 Tbsp. reduced fat shredded mozzarella cheese

Roasted asparagus

  1. Top each veal slice with a sage leaf and a slice of prosciutto
  2. Thread a toothpick into each end of the veal and prosciutto. Repeat with each veal slice.
  3. In a skillet coated with cooking spray, place the veal  prosciutto side down and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Flip the veal over, top with mozzarella cheese and cook for another 2-3 minutes or to your liking.
  5. Serve with roasted asparagus or your favorite sides.


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