Sunday, January 3, 2021

Chorizo Scrambled Eggs

Chorizo Scrambled Eggs

adapted from Gourmet December 2001

If using store bought chorizo, you may need to adjust the points since it tender to be higher in fat than homemade using ground chicken breasts.

Makes 2 servings                                                   0 WW Blue points / serving

3 oz. Homemade Chicken Chorizo or store bought

5 large eggs

2 Tbsp. fat free milk

1/2 small onion, chopped

Cooking spray

1 Tbsp. chopped scallions, green part only

In a skillet coated with cooking spray, cook the chicken chorizo and onion, stirring and breaking up the meat until cooked through, about 5 minutes

Whisk the eggs with the milk. Add to the pan.

Cook over low heat to your desired consistency, 5-7 minutes.

Garnish with scallions, if using. Serve !

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