Sunday, December 27, 2020

Slow Cooker Vegetable Stock

 Slow Cooker Vegetable Stock

A long time ago, I too a knife skills class at a local culinary school in Western Massachusetts. The instructor told us about saving the peels and ends from vegetables, along with the stems from herbs, that you are using in a recipe to make vegetable stock. I have done it ever since. It is a lot cheaper than buying vegetable stock. A down side is that it never comes out the same way twice. An upside is that, you can also add chicken or beef base to make an enhanced chicken or beef stock.

Save the scraps in a zip top bag in your freezer until you have enough to fill your slow cooker about 3/4 full. Learn from my mistakes DO NOT use broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, and green beans. Kale, Swiss chard and collard stems can be used in very limited quantity. What works well... any type of onion, carrot, parsnip, potato (in moderation), celery, corn including the cobs, pea pods, tomatoes, garlic peels and peppers (in moderation). If you have left over cooked vegetables that are nearing their end, throw them in too.

Look at the mix that you have make sure there is about 1/3-1/2 onions, celery and carrots. If not add some more into the pot.

0 WW Blue points / cup

Leftover Vegetable scraps

1 Bay leaf

5-6 peppercorns

  1. Put the vegetables scraps, bay leaf and peppercorns into a slow cooker. 
  2. Cover with water.
  3. Cook on low for 10-12 hours.
  4. Allow to cool
  5. Strain into quart containers (I like to use cheesecloth to get out any residual pieces).
  6. Use immediately or freeze for later use.


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